Tc-99m-iPSMA SPECT shows promising results in Egypt
Promising results following the initial experience using Tc-99m-iPSMA led by Dr. Yehia Omar within the Noble Registry.
Prostatic lesions, nodal and bony deposits in a single exam on a gamma camera machine were detected. Therefore, potentially opening up new options for diagnosis for men with prostate cancer in countries that have little or no access to PET/CT or PSMA-PET tracers.
“Our initial experience using Technetium-PSMA seems promising! It shows potential for use in staging cancer prostate patients combined with CT (instead of regular bone scan + CT).
We are able to detect the prostatic lesion, nodal and bony deposits in a single exam on a gamma camera machine. This new exam may have a big role in areas that don’t have a PET/CT machine or difficult access to PSMA-PET tracers.” Dr. Yehia Omar.